SLS offers extensive business experience in market verticals including: Government, Military, financial, insurance, communication, Automotive, Health, and technology industries.

SLS provides a unique insight into specific challenges of each industry  and offers best practices and proven strategies to solve them.

Government and Military:
Sequestration and budget cuts mandate lowering expenses and reduction in services. However, there is ever growing need to offer new capabilities and do more with less. SLS offer cost effective solutions in Wireless, Mobile, and Cloud technologies for government and military. We offer end-to-end FIPS 140-2 compliant solutions with both "data at rest" and "data in transit".

Financial and Insurance:
Changing business requirements and increasing competition requires restructuring of traditional "Business Silos" into an integrated, flexible, and agile model. SLS provides a secured and integrated infrastructure that allows communication among silos and deployment of services to expose them to the clients.

Standardizing communication among headquarters, dealerships, and suppliers is a major step to streamline all stages of design, development, and sales for car builders. "OASIS" and "STAR" are the first steps in building a Canonical Message Model (CMM). SLS helps automotive industry by extending the existing standards and adapt it to the specific requirements of each business.

Health Care:
Govermnet privacy regulations (HIPAA) is a major concern for health care industry. In addition, the ability to cut costs, automation, and empowering the physicians and patients to access medical records are crucial capabilities for staying competitive and providing quality service. SLS helps healthcare industry to comply with government regulations and enable physicians better access to medical records.

Communication and Media:
Explosion of smart phones paved the way for a new generation of capabilities with respect to live media and cell phones. SLS helps communication companies by integrating broadcast media with cell phone technologies.

Technology and Energy:
Cloud Computing, On Demand, Green technology, and Smart Planet are among many innovations that are changing the way we generate and distribute energy and use it wisely in our Smart solutions. SLS helps companies to make our planet a better and more efficient place to live.